Manicure brushes require special care and storage rules. Basic requirements for brush care are the key to a long service life of your tool.


Before first use, you must wash the brush bristle composition, which is used to process the brush stroke (bundle). Rinse the brush in warm water, gently rubbing the hairs with your fingers. To work with gel materials, the brush must first be dried.


When working with watercolors and acrylic paints, natural bristle brushes can be cleaned in cool water. Rinse the brush during work to prevent the paint from drying on the brush. After finishing work, rinse the brush under running water to clean it completely. Wash the brush, shake it to remove excess moisture and restore its original shape. If necessary, use your fingers to create a shape.

Brushes used for acrylic should be cleaned in monomer (liquid). After finishing work, the brush should be washed in clean (unused) monomer. Using a dry cloth, remove the remaining monomer and create a shape. Then, fix the brush vertically with the bristles down until it dries completely to avoid monomer residues getting under the tip. If the brush is very dirty, it should be dipped in monomer, fixing the brush in a vertical position to avoid bending the brush.

Acrylic paint forms a film when drying. If you need to wash off slightly dried acrylic paint from the brush, use monomer (liquid) for cleaning. We recommend using a specialized universal cleaner Roubloff, suitable for cleaning all types of acrylic paints, as well as gels and gel varnishes.

When working with gel materials, use a transparent agent for intermediate cleaning. This will help to quickly remove all remaining traces of the previous material. Place a drop of the product on the palette and dip the bristles of the brush into it. Hold the brush flat. to avoid breakage. Using a pendulum motion, slowly move the bristles until the remaining paint is pressed upwards. Repeat the process if necessary.

After the cleaning procedure, carefully wipe the brush with a dry cloth. To do this, pull the bristles through a folded napkin without pressing.

You can lubricate the brush bristles with cuticle oil. Do not forget to wash off the oil before the next use. Not suitable for brushes used for acrylic.

Gel brushes are stored in a tightly closed case where they cannot come into contact with direct sunlight.


To straighten and repair deformed bristles, the brush should be rinsed in warm water using regular shampoo. Next, you should apply a hair mask that we use for hair care and leave it for 10-20 minutes (or strictly following the instructions). Then rinse the brush thoroughly and dry it. Only after all these procedures, the brush can be stored in a pencil case or other place for storing brushes.

Minor deformations are corrected and the brush is almost like new! If this method does not help, it's time to replace the tool.

Do not use: Never use an iron, steamer or hair straightener to straighten deformations of the bristles (bundle) of a natural hair brush.

Please note: brushes with natural bristles used to work with gel materials require thorough cleaning before use.

Remember: only completely dry brushes can be placed in a pencil case (or other place) for storage.


When working with gel materials, use a transparent agent for intermediate cleaning. This will help to quickly remove all remaining traces of the previous color. Place a drop of product on the palette and dip the bristles of the brush into the material. Hold the brush flat to avoid curling the bristles. Gently shake the bristles with a pendulum motion (back and forth) until they dislodge any remaining residue, and repeat if necessary.

For a thorough cleaning, use a universal brush cleaner. Synthetic brushes can also be cleaned in monomer (liquid).

After cleaning, wipe the brush with a dry cloth and place it in a pencil case (or other storage place).

Important: Synthetic brushes should be stored in a tightly closed, rigid case (or other place), away from direct sunlight.

Safe storage of the tool ensures that the original shape of the brush bundle is maintained, the bristles do not wrinkle - your brushes are always ready to work.


First method: To fix deformed brushes made of synthetic hair, you can also use boiling water. Before washing, soak the brush in a universal brush cleaner for thorough cleaning. Then, soak the hair bundle in boiling water for 1 minute. If this method does not help, it is time to change the tool.

Second method: You can use a hair straightener, iron or hairdryer to straighten your hair. To do this, after completing the first step, you need to give the brush its original shape. Then wrap it in aluminum foil and heat it with a hairdryer or iron.

Attention: set the temperature no higher than 120 degrees!

If this method does not help, then the hair are severely deformed and it is time to buy a new tool.

Remember: only completely dry brushes can be put in a pencil case (or other place) for storage.


  • Using brushes for purposes other than their intended purpose: Mixing material and mixing colors (use silicone brushes for this purpose - there are suitable tools in the Ju.Bilej collection).
  • The material at the base of the brush (hair tuft) hardens and then makes the brush unusable.
  • Using liquids that are not intended for cleaning brushes: alcohol-containing agents (cleaners and cleaners, etc.) and strong solvents (acetone, paint and varnish thinners).
  • Storing uncleaned brushes will shorten their service life.
  • Mechanical impact on the bristles (bundles): pressure, squeezing and other manipulations that damage the original shape of the hair, making the brush unusable.
  • Mechanical impact on the brush: scraping off residues with metal objects or nails. The bristles of the brush are very fragile, the original appearance and performance properties of the brush will be lost. You can dip the brush in a special brush cleaning solution, then place it on a flat surface so that it acquires a fan shape. Take an orange stick and carefully remove the material. Remove the remaining liquid with a paper towel.
  • Wipe the brush on a napkin with strong pressure and wringing. Wipe the brush in one direction.
  • Completely immerse the brush in the gel material and paint. Be careful not to let the material touch the base of the brush bristles. The material should touch no more than ⅔ of the length of the hairs.
  • Working with one brush when working with both paints and gel materials. Use different brushes for different materials.
  • When working with gel materials, a brush with natural bristles is used. Natural hair is porous, clogs faster and becomes unusable. For working with gel materials, use brushes with synthetic hair.
  • Loose brushes in the case - when transporting the brushes, their bristles can be damaged.
Careful care and cleaning of your brushes is the basis for long-term use of Roubloff brushes!
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