Lukas SK PODO abrasive caps 5mm (medium)

EAN: 4027497600014

Sale price€0,80

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Diametrs, mm


Medium - abrasiveness 150 grit. Recommended speed: 7,000 – 10,000 (max. 11,000) rotations per minute. Thanks to the latest technology, the orange grinding tips LUKAS PODO outperform similar tools in terms of efficiency. The result: the removal of the callused skin layer is done faster and much more gently. The skin becomes smooth and beautiful. When working with the SK PODO grinding tip, only a light pressure is required. The effect on the treated area is less traumatic — patients highly appreciate this. Due to the lack of a sticking effect, the surface of the tip remains almost free of skin particles after the procedure. Even if a large amount of callused skin has to be removed during the treatment, there is no need to waste time changing tools. The assortment includes specially designed abrasive tips for each operation.

  • Large-sized tips with a very rough coating are capable of removing a thick layer of callused skin.
  • Tips with a medium or fine rough coating are used for the final treatment.
  • Medium-sized tips are ideally suited for treating medium-thickness or thin layers of callused skin.
  • Tips with the smallest diameter are used for treating fingers, finger pads, and hard-to-reach areas.

We recommend the new purple tips Lukas Podo Thermo: When working with the PODO grinding tip, significantly less effort is required than with traditional tools. The problem caused by heating due to friction has found the perfect solution in the innovative design of the LUKAS SK THERMO tip. Color changes provide a timely indication of overheating. Partial heat dissipation is ensured by the GT PODO holder. This advantage is especially important when working with diabetic patients! Timely overheating indication also protects against excessive nerve irritation in patients with particularly sensitive skin. The tip holder must be purchased separately.

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